Webinar: The rise of real-time advertising
From retargeting to
real-time advertising
The pandemic has changed the way consumers search, browse and shop and an increase in time spent on mobile has heightened the demand for relevant information that is delivered in a timely and permission-based manner.
For brands, connecting with consumers during that mobile moment has never been more important and with recent changes to mobile user privacy the job of marketing to consumers with accurate mobile user data has become harder to do.
However, the need for convenience among consumers is rising, and it is creating the rebirth of value exchange among trusted apps and their users who are opting into exchanging crucial user data for value.
Register for this webinar and learn how APEX and their exclusive partner network are leveraging 1st party data, that is not dependant on IDFA, and using real-time advertising capabilities to continue connecting brands with consumers during the crucial mobile moment.