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The modern customer journey starts on mobile

You’ve seen it. We’ve all seen it. On the train, on the plane, on the sidewalks, at the gym, in the mall; everywhere. People are glued to their smartphones.

The connected and empowered mobile consumer is here, spending their personal down time being “always-on” and they are re-defining the customer experience and the customer journey.

In my years helping brands with digital transformation, in an effort to better the customer experience, I’ve come to learn that a majority of businesses are still trying to sell and market to this modern digital first consumer in traditional ways that completely miss the mark. They fail to adapt to how this modern consumer wants to be engaged; and where. If customer experience is crucial to the customer journey, then why not start the journey where your customer is?

Today, the always connected Canadian consumer is on mobile; more specifically they are in-app spending up to 87% of their time in-app. So for any business looking to target or retarget audiences, mobile in-app advertising should be top of mind.

Thanks to advances in technology, personalization starts by delivering relevant and contextual advertising right into the palm of your audience’s hands. Sounds easy right?

Well, years of legacy standards and processes have kept big brands and businesses from facing the modern customer journey head on and effectively being where their audience is - on mobile - and engaging them in a personalized manner with rich first and third party data and accurate hyper-accurate location data.

Back in 2015, I was talking to brands about the need to drive personalized customer experiences with contextual rich intelligent data. Today, I am telling brands that mobile data is as rich as it gets. With every swipe, search and download, mobile users continuously feed their device new information about themselves and who they are in real time. Everyday consumers tell their mobile device what they are interested in, what they are hungry for, what size they are, their travel plans, what song they can’t stop listening to, and where in the world they currently are located in. With this data, brands can increase chances of winning that battle for customer experience by building accurate customer personas and advertising at the right place and at the right time to the right person.

Learn how your brand can capitalize on the mobile moment and modernize its customer journey by advertising in-app using by reading our white paper on audience engagement.



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